
When it comes to large-scale concrete mixer, we should be familiar with the fuel tank. As long as the vehicles that need fuel oil have fuel tank, the mixer truck in the special vehicle is no exception. In order to prevent the fuel in the tank from splashing out due to vibration, the loss of fuel vapor and the entry of external dust, the fuel tank is covered and sealed. But did you find that there is a small air hole on the fuel tank What is the function of this pore? What will happen if there are no air holes on the oil tank of large concrete mixer? The closed fuel tank will form a certain vacuum degree due to the consumption of fuel, resulting in the loss of oil suction capacity of the oil pump; when the temperature in the tank is high, fuel volatilization will increase the pressure inside the tank, resulting in air pressure imbalance.
1. 安裝在油箱蓋內(nèi)置閥門上:它可以根據(jù)自動(dòng)開(kāi)閉,平衡內(nèi)外氣壓。
1. Installed on the built-in valve of the oil tank cover: it can open and close automatically to balance the internal and external air pressure.
2. 安裝在油箱鑰匙孔閥門上:這種在老車型上比較常見(jiàn)。
2. Installed on the valve of the fuel tank key hole: this kind of valve is more common on old models.
3. 油箱外置通氣孔:現(xiàn)在的商用車大多都是在油箱頂部預(yù)留通氣孔,便于吹氣檢查,比如混凝土攪拌車、隨車吊等等。所以如果你的專用車油箱蓋上帶有透氣孔,一旦油箱蓋丟失切勿隨意封死油箱口,而忽視了通氣性。曾經(jīng)有個(gè)卡友在給車輛放油的時(shí)候,忘記打開(kāi)加油口,導(dǎo)致油箱吸癟,這就是真實(shí)的教訓(xùn),希望各位引起重視。
3. Air vent outside the fuel tank: most commercial vehicles now reserve air vent at the top of the fuel tank for air blowing inspection, such as concrete mixer truck, truck mounted crane, etc. Therefore, if you have a vent on the fuel tank cap of your special vehicle, once the fuel tank cap is lost, do not seal the fuel tank opening at will, ignoring the ventilation. There was a friend who forgot to open the fuel port when he was discharging fuel to the vehicle, which eventually led to the fuel tank deflating. This is a real lesson. I hope you will pay attention to it.
In large-scale concrete mixer, the blockage of the vent hole of the oil tank will not only lead to the shrinkage of the oil tank, but also lead to the failure of the oil pump to extract fuel oil, and then the phenomenon of flameout, insufficient power or difficult start-up under hot engine condition will occur. In serious cases, the tank will deform and crack, leading to fuel leakage or fire and explosion.
How to prevent the air hole of oil tank from clogging for large concrete mixer:
1. 經(jīng)常檢查透氣孔,防患于未然。
1. Check the air vent frequently to prevent accidents.
2. 在加油時(shí)留意油箱蓋開(kāi)啟時(shí)的氣流聲,一種是出氣聲,這種聲音是正常的,另一種是吸氣聲,此時(shí)要注意,這可能是油箱內(nèi)的壓力低于外部壓力,油箱透氣孔有可能是堵塞了。
2. Pay attention to the air flow sound when the fuel tank cap is opened. One is the air out sound, which is normal, and the other is the suction sound. At this time, it should be noted that the pressure in the fuel tank is lower than the external pressure, and the vent hole of the oil tank may be blocked.
3. 對(duì)于鐵質(zhì)的透氣孔,最好用紗窗包一下,如果是透氣孔是塑料軟管,那就將其口朝下,這樣可以避免堵塞。


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