
2023-01-09    分類: 網(wǎng)站建設(shè)

The purpose of enterprise website builds a scheme
1. 企業(yè)成都網(wǎng)站建設(shè)方案的策劃主要目的在于,能夠通過網(wǎng)站首頁(yè),公司簡(jiǎn)介,產(chǎn)品服務(wù)信息,讓客戶清楚了解公司產(chǎn)品以及服務(wù)信息情況。
Company Beijing website construction scheme of the main purpose is to, through the website home page, company profile, products and services, allows customers to understand the company products and services information.
2. 網(wǎng)站欄目清晰明了,網(wǎng)站本身就是服務(wù)企業(yè),為企業(yè)帶來宣傳。欄目之間的設(shè)定都是在服務(wù)于如何讓網(wǎng)站更吸引客戶,更能抓住客戶心理,方便用戶瀏覽網(wǎng)站而設(shè)定制作。
Website column is clear, the site itself is the service enterprises, for enterprises to bring publicity. Between columns set are in service to how to make the site more to attract customers, can seize the customer psychology, is convenient for the user to browse the site and set production.
3. 策劃方案還可以反應(yīng)出網(wǎng)站框架設(shè)計(jì)是否合理,預(yù)計(jì)能夠達(dá)到什么效果,以及后期網(wǎng)站推廣工作安排。
Planning scheme can also reflect the website frame design is reasonable, is expected to be able to achieve any effect, and the later website promotion job arrangement.
Enterprise website backstage management system frame design of construction scheme
(1) 網(wǎng)站后臺(tái)需要進(jìn)行初步設(shè)計(jì),為了方便使用者更新網(wǎng)站產(chǎn)品信息或者服務(wù)信息,因?yàn)槠髽I(yè)的產(chǎn)品或者服務(wù)在不斷的增加和完善,所以為了方便用戶使用,后臺(tái)需要為客戶搭建一個(gè)管理平臺(tái),產(chǎn)品以及產(chǎn)品分類增加,刪除,修改等功能。
( 1) the need for preliminary design of Web site background, in order to facilitate users to update the site information or service information, for the enterprise's product or the service continued to increase and improve, so to facilitate the users, the background needed to build a customer management platform, product and product categories to increase, delete, modify the functions of.
(2) 在線留言以及網(wǎng)站公告:通過在線留言可以方面建立于客戶之間溝通的媒介,很多企業(yè)網(wǎng)站忽略這點(diǎn)。網(wǎng)站公告可以在第一時(shí)間內(nèi)告訴客戶企業(yè)新品的發(fā)布以及企業(yè)近期動(dòng)態(tài),這樣,當(dāng)自己有新產(chǎn)品推出的時(shí)候,總是會(huì)第一時(shí)間通知到這些客戶,也是提高客戶服務(wù)質(zhì)量的一種手段。
( 2) online message as well as the website announcement: through online messages can be set up to customers to communicate, a lot of enterprise website to neglect it. The website announced the first time tell the customer enterprise new product release and recent trends, such as their own, a new product launch time, always the first notice to the customer, but also improve the quality of customer service as a means of.
The contents of the construction scheme of enterprise website
Construction site before the market analysis
Related industry market is the market how, what kind of characteristics, whether on the Internet business.
The market analysis of main competitors, competitors to get on the Internet and website planning, functional role.
Company oneself condition analysis, company profiles, market advantages, can use the site construction site promotion what competition ability, ability ( cost, technology, manpower).
Construction site purpose and function orientation
Why should a website, is to establish a corporate image, promotional products, electronic commerce, or the establishment of industry website? Enterprises are the basic needs or marketing extension?
Integrate corporate resources, determine the site functions. According to the company's needs and plans, determine the functionality of the site types:
Enterprise website, website, website of business ( industry website ), electronic commerce website; website is divided into corporate image, product promotion, UEO marketing website, customer service, e-commerce etc..
According to the website function, determining the site should meet the objective function.
Intranet ( intranet ) building and site of scalability.
Web technical solution?
Using HTTP file server, or hire a virtual hosting.
Choice of operating system, using window2000/nt or UNIX, linux. Analysis of investment cost, function, development, stability and security.
Using the template, self-help Station set or personalized development.
Site security measures, hacker, virus protection program ( if using a virtual host, the study by the Professional Company. ).
The choice of what kind of dynamic process and the corresponding database. Procedures such as ASP, JSP, PHP; SQL, access, Oracle database.
Website content and realization way
According to the site to determine the site navigation structure.
General business website should include: company profile, business trends, products, customer service, contact information, such as online message contents. More content such as : common questions, marketing network, careers, online forum, English version and so on.
According to the website of the objective and content of determining the site integration function.
As of flash intros, membership system, online shopping system, online payment, online payment system, questionnaire survey, information search query system, traffic statistics system.
Determining the site structure navigation in each channel columns.
If the company can include: speech of president, development, enterprise culture, core strengths, production base, R & D, partners, customers, customer evaluation; customer service can include: service hotline, service purpose, service project.
Determining the site content realization way.
Products such as the center to use dynamic program database or static page; marketing network is the use of a list or map display.
五、網(wǎng)頁(yè)設(shè)計(jì)(Webpage design)
Webpage design and art design, webpage art design generally and enterprise overall image, to meet the enterprises CI specification. Attention should be paid to the webpage, picture color application and page layout plan, keep the webpage of the overall consistency.
In the adoption of new technology to consider the main target audience of geographical distribution, age class, network speed, reading habits.
Making webpage revision program, such as a half year to one year time large scale correcting.
六、費(fèi)用預(yù)算(Expense budget)
1、 企業(yè)建站費(fèi)用的初步預(yù)算
The cost of the preliminary budget
According to the general enterprise's scale, the goal of building a station, superior's approval and.
2、 專業(yè)建站公司提供詳細(xì)的功能描述及報(bào)價(jià),企業(yè)進(jìn)行性價(jià)比研究。
Professional website to provide detailed description of the function and price, cost of enterprises.
3、 網(wǎng)站的價(jià)格從幾千元到十幾萬元不等。如果排除模板式自助建站(通常認(rèn)為企業(yè)的網(wǎng)站無論大小,必須有排他性,如果千篇一律對(duì)企業(yè)形象的影響極大)和牟取暴利的因素,網(wǎng)站建設(shè)的費(fèi)用一般與功能要求是成正比的。
Website price from a few thousand dollars to several hundreds of thousands yuan. If we exclude the template type self-help (usually that of enterprise website regardless of size, must have exclusive, if follow the same pattern of the corporate image of great ) and profiteering factors, website construction cost and function requirement is proportional to.
七、網(wǎng)站維護(hù)(Website maintenance)
Servers and related hardware and software maintenance, some problems that need to be assessed, developed in response to the time.
Database maintenance, effective use of data is the important content of the web site maintenance, database maintenance to attention.
Content update, adjustment, SEO website optimization.
Make website maintenance requirements, the website maintenance system to change, standardization.
Note: dynamic information maintenance usually consists of enterprise arrangement corresponding personnel online update management; static information (i.e., no dynamic program database support) by Professional Company for maintenance.
八、網(wǎng)站測(cè)試(Site test)
Website to conduct careful testing, in order to ensure the normal browsing and use. Main test content:
Text, pictures, whether there is error.
The procedures and database test.
Link error.
Server stability, safety.
Webpage compatibility testing, such as a browser, display.
九、網(wǎng)站發(fā)布與推廣(Web publishing and promotion)
Site test after the release PR, advertising activities.
Search engine registration.




聲明:本網(wǎng)站發(fā)布的內(nèi)容(圖片、視頻和文字)以用戶投稿、用戶轉(zhuǎn)載內(nèi)容為主,如果涉及侵權(quán)請(qǐng)盡快告知,我們將會(huì)在第一時(shí)間刪除。文章觀點(diǎn)不代表本網(wǎng)站立場(chǎng),如需處理請(qǐng)聯(lián)系客服。電話:028-86922220;郵箱:631063699@qq.com。內(nèi)容未經(jīng)允許不得轉(zhuǎn)載,或轉(zhuǎn)載時(shí)需注明來源: 創(chuàng)新互聯(lián)
