
2023-02-06    分類: 網(wǎng)站建設(shè)

First of all we can put personal Beijing website construction purpose is divided into the following kinds:
1、無目的型(Without purpose type)
Look at the others have their own web site, so follow suit website built, no purpose, website not content, mostly without a purpose or simply turn picked to establish a BBS, server is generally virtual host, life period generally very short, 1 years due to hang off after server.
2、自娛型(Type to amuse)
With entertainment to achieve the purpose of others to amuse themselves, in order to free for the net friend offers a variety of free resources for fun, this website general with movie download, material document download the majority, common in education network, server general for his own computer desktop, such as some FTP server, provide data is G calculation. Life is not long period, along with the graduation may also hung up web site.
Have to mention that the site also includes, for the net friend to provide free open source code of the original web site, once the Dedecms, yemao, UEO, SEO website optimization and some BBS, but the trip in mainland China has rarely works can see again, classic WDB. This web site may eventually will shift to for-profit web site.
3、娛人娛己(Entertainment oneself maximally)
To entertainment for the purpose, pure display personal life experience, some aware, and video and display some of the hidden the thing like, common web site for personal blog, generally USES the free application of large web sites of space, or spend little virtual host, life long period, but is not stable.
4、娛己娛人(Oneself maximally entertainment)
不以盈利為目的的服務(wù)大眾的網(wǎng)站,當(dāng)然會(huì)收取網(wǎng)友的捐助,但絕不會(huì)強(qiáng)迫網(wǎng)友捐助,這樣收到的費(fèi)用基本可以保證網(wǎng)站的正常運(yùn)行即可。生命期比較長。這里也包括一些技術(shù)型的網(wǎng)站,比如maxthon、dedecms現(xiàn)在應(yīng)該屬于這樣的類型(I like it,因此才來落伍的)。
Not to profit for the purpose of serving the masses of the web site, of course, will be charged net friend of assistance, but never forced net friend donations, so the cost of that basic can receive the normal operation of the website can. The life cycle is long. Here also include some tech website, for example, dedecms maxthon now should belong to this type (I like it, so just behind The Times).
Above four have a general characteristic is not to profit for the purpose. Introduce below again to profit for the purpose of the type of personal website:
Mainly to provide film and television download for means of profit, general is combined with some Bt download software, use more community broadband as Internet access, and then later need to hire telecom server. Mainly to provide information service for the main content, such as academic periodicals, or some search engines for less than resources.
這類網(wǎng)站是以出售原創(chuàng)代碼為基礎(chǔ)的,首先是由個(gè)人編寫,然后慢慢形成一個(gè)團(tuán)隊(duì),最后發(fā)展成為一個(gè)公司,比如國內(nèi)的dvbbs,yuzibbs,discuz,phpwind,leoboard,還有許多CMS。細(xì)心想一想,廣東設(shè)計(jì)聯(lián)盟也算是一個(gè)技術(shù)型的網(wǎng)站,設(shè)計(jì)、網(wǎng)站建設(shè)技術(shù)等等,他不是一個(gè)團(tuán)隊(duì)網(wǎng)站,而是向著一個(gè)平臺(tái)方向去發(fā)展 。
This type of website is sold on the basis of the original code, first by individual writing, and then slowly to form a team, and finally become a company, such as domestic DVBBS, yuzibbs, discuz, phpwind, leoboard, and many of the CMS. Think carefully, guangdong design alliance is a tech website, design, website construction technology and so on, he is not a team website, but to a platform to development direction.
3、廣告型(Advertising type)
Through the establishment of a personal website, placed ads. This includes two types, one is put a lot of strong jian person eye, pop-up ads, to earn rate (now this website has reduced many). Low profits, pest! There are individual web traffic variable income (like im286 to quietly work hard, increase your reputation and fame, and then put on the advertising). Income very objective!!!!!!
4、域名空間服務(wù)商(Domain name space services)
Although the sites to the company claims, but a most is a person of the company, as the domain name is not himself, the server is not himself, was the higher level business agent, to earn the profits of the difference. With the development in the telecom room may hire their own server provides a virtual hosting service. (profit more objective)
Sell web site was popular type to the special website, and then sell the.
Above is my summary of the present condition of the Internet personal site, not very comprehensive, welcome you to add!
Building a website is a time-consuming, expend energy costs money, one of the things, in establishing personal web site to yourself to belong to that type, now for personal website built, if you don't have the support of the principal, not a very good idea, not their own characteristics, so it is difficult to again "made waves"!!! Although many opportunities, but as in online inside "being" s already in the past.




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