
2023-01-06    分類(lèi): 網(wǎng)站建設(shè)

The enterprise website this how to plan? I think this is the enterprise, the company doing the website before all considered, do enterprise web site is not matter, not just get a template, get a garbage server, and the content of the copy some online, is done. Doing web site, enterprise should first consider, why do web site?

一、做網(wǎng)站的目的(Do a web site)
Enterprise do website, no more than the several ways:
Set up image (like business card)
Creating the brand, combined with offline entity common propaganda (mainly still mostly solid)
Improve sales (that is, through the network form and develop business channel, mining network miles)
Electronic commerce (enterprise main business through the network business)
二、網(wǎng)站類(lèi)型分析(Website type analysis)
So we were analysis of enterprise web site four types:
(1) 樹(shù)立形象型企業(yè)網(wǎng)站建設(shè)
Set up image type enterprise website construction
該類(lèi)企業(yè),對(duì)電子商務(wù)的意識(shí)不夠或?qū)W(wǎng)絡(luò)依賴(lài)不強(qiáng)。最企業(yè)網(wǎng)站僅僅是為了更好的樹(shù)立一下企業(yè)形象,該類(lèi)企業(yè)網(wǎng)站建設(shè)簡(jiǎn)單,不用過(guò)分 的 強(qiáng)調(diào)用戶(hù)體驗(yàn)和收索引擎,甚至幾個(gè)月不用去跟新,建站的目的可以說(shuō)是“跟風(fēng)”,不需要花費(fèi)太多的人力、物力去進(jìn)行網(wǎng)站建設(shè)。
The enterprise, the electronic commerce network is not enough to rely on consciousness or is not strong. The enterprise web site just to better set up the enterprise image, and the enterprise website construction is simple, need not too much emphasis on the user experience and receive single-handedly index, or even months need not go to with new, the purpose of the site can be said to be "suit", do not need to spend too much manpower and material resources to web site construction.
(2) 打造品牌,結(jié)合線下實(shí)體共同宣傳行網(wǎng)站建設(shè)
Creating the brand, combined with offline entity common propaganda line website construction
This type of website is enterprise network with further knowledge, in the enterprise publicity and enterprise profit to network has a new step in. This stage enterprise website construction is more like a logo, set up the image and create the brand approach. This kind of enterprise web site of general interface design is beautiful and the atmosphere, but web site overall user experience failed to further to understand. Function also is more onefold, the user experience have the further promotion, but is still groping stage for the website no strong sense of order. Main or through the website and entity common makes the enterprise the image, to increase sales, the site also far short of the; At the same time to the search engine optimization (seo) still don't pay attention to, at present, China's 80% of the enterprise web sites are of this type.
(3) 提高銷(xiāo)售額類(lèi)型企業(yè)網(wǎng)站建設(shè)。
Improve sales type enterprise website construction.
More and more enterprises and companies to understand the power of the web, we can from baidu's competitive ranking in hot can get clear answer. These websites requirements is a little bit higher, in regular nets built the company words, the price is in commonly 5000-10000 yuan, design must be generous, beautiful, and the user experience is close friends certainly, this ability to attract customers tiding over, to improve conversion rates. In making seo optimization kung fu also want foot, the key words of the selected, the customer types of analysis, the website main function is to have good design, can be appropriate for baidu's competitive rankings, such enterprise website construction has special, need certain personnel will perform site maintenance and the promotion, to popularize strength is very large.
(4) 電子商務(wù)(企業(yè)主要業(yè)務(wù)通過(guò)網(wǎng)絡(luò)開(kāi)展業(yè)務(wù))
Electronic commerce (enterprise main business through the network business)
The electronic commerce type company, to the network investment is very big, or to the network the dependence of the high for network service company general, business platform (taobao, amazon, jingdong, etc.). As a e-commerce sites, seo, competitive rankings, good user experience is the type of the most basic web site features, but also have their own characteristics of the service product, the characteristic of sales channels, the characteristic of the profit model. These websites into human, weakness is very big, the risk is big also, needs to have his team to conduct business.




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