
2023-01-09    分類: 網(wǎng)站設(shè)計

As a web designer is most afraid is not a technical ability is not strong, because technology this thing, as long as you work hard can get inside short time rapid ascension; most afraid of, or have no originality, no inspiration, web designer, without the creativity and inspiration that is equivalent to the loss of website design life.
1、網(wǎng)站設(shè)計,微處見真情(Web design, microprocessor. See the truth)
Believe that most web designers in website design most commonly used method is to start from the grid layout. First to do a wire frame, the block and the column layout is good, then the color scheme and subject location determination,
However, according to conventional means to carry out treatment often does not help you find any wonderful changes, nor promote any inspiration, therefore, what we need is to break the conventional, by small and assembly to be full of wit and humour website design.
Perhaps with a little button design or web design a small ornament design can make the moment we grow more wonderful ideas.
2、從問題著手,解決問題的過程就是激發(fā)創(chuàng)意的過程(Start from the problem, problem solving process is to stimulate the creative process)
Human beings have the progress is because the problem continues to generate and continue to be solved, the same website design. Don't be afraid of the problem, once will have brought us back to check the opportunity, in the inspection of the site design of the problems in the process, often will give us lots of little surprise, including suddenly jumped out of a small creative.
3、圍繞一個點開出的美麗花朵(Around a point out of the beautiful flowers)
Life has a center of gravity, the production and operation of enterprises have core, website design also needs to have the center. This center can be the enterprise culture, can be product advantage, can be customer requirements, more can be web design itself LOGO elements.
4、從客戶出發(fā),尋找突破點(Starting from the customer, find a breakthrough point)
Every website design have functional requirements, under normal circumstances, we will first website design and then add code, may also act in a diametrically opposite way. But in either form, function demand will go ahead of the rest, web designers in understanding to the website functional requirements should first of all from the customer point of view, place oneself in others' position to think about, customers would like what kind of operation form.
5、組合元素帶來的驚喜(Combined elements of surprise)
Web design elements but fonts, lines, images, text, LOGO, background and so on some of the most basic website design requirements, but don't look down upon these elements, as long as you are good at observing, there must be a new discovery.
6、借助外力(With the aid of external force)
A person a kind of thought, ten people of ten kinds of thoughts, one hundred people can have one hundred ideas, website design and did not like this? Many have a look some master or company website design, I believe you will find a new starting point.
7、換個角度想問題(Think the problem from another angle)
If long time engaged in the same job not to have new progress, but will have psychological resistance, so the designer should always switch program to maintain a pleasant mood.
8、多聽聽別人的意見(Listen to the views of others)
The others, can be other web designer, can be customer service. Those closely involved cannot see clearly., you can not see the problem maybe others will be able to see through one; customer although do not understand web design, but his opinion is a spring.




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